Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Outstanding Blogs

1. Economic advice to Obama: Evan Lott

I chose this blog because he brings up an interesting point: "Where exactly does that money go? We have spent billions of dollars for this war, but why can't we get that money back?" I find this observation interesting because our economy is in dire straits yet all the money is still there. The government doesn't just go around burning up American currency in huge pyres, does it? I am sure that any learned economist would scoff at my puzzlement, but too bad. I think this qualifies his blog because the foremost consideration when reading something is interest. The points he made interested me, therefore I enjoyed reading his blog.

2. Literary analysis: Jacob Harris

Jacob does an excellent job of both literary analysis and writing in his blog. "In other words, it is showing that he likes feeling and petting things that are soft and pretty, which leads up to him petting another characters hair in the end of the book, causing her to panic, which causes him to panic, which makes him hold on so tight to where the characters panicked flailing causes him to accidentally crack her neck, killing her." He pairs good vocabulary, fluid sentence structure, and insightful analysis, resulting in a good blog.

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