Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Palin suggests war with Russia

- Original Washington Post article by Reuters - September 11, 2008

When asked if war with Russia was a possibility in response to their invasion of Georgia, Palin said: "Perhaps so". She then went on to proclaim that as a member of NATO, America was obliged to defend other members of the alliance, despite the fact that the Georgia is not a part of NATO. The 26 NATO ambassadors planned a two-day visit to Georgia, and are currently debating extending a membership to the country. I find this statement by Palin shocking, mainly because of the financial status of America at present, but also because she is hinting at war while we are even now engaged in a controversial conflict in Iraq. Fighting two unrelated wars with both Iraq and a military superpower while simultaneously grappling with staggering national debt and the threat of terrorist attack is not a situation that could ever end favorably. Even consideration of such a course of action points to the erosion of constitutional values in recent years, the "Constitutional Crisis". It is clearly stated in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution that it will be the duty of the Congress to declare war: "To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water". It should be easy to see, especially after the nature of Palin's comment, why it is important to have decisions of this magnitude debated by a group of over 400 people. For some reason the wisdom of this safeguard seems to have been forgotten of late.

1 comment:

Aaron Rucinski said...

I love your use of evidence and your advanced vocabulary that allows people to think more about what they are reading rather than scan over it.